With the rapid growth of the HealthTech industry in Canada, many companies are looking to expand their teams with skilled software engineers. One cost-effective and efficient solution is to outsource these roles to countries like Vietnam, known for its burgeoning tech industry and talented workforce. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to hire an outsourced software engineer in Vietnam for a HealthTech company in Canada.

Understanding the Benefits of Outsourcing

Before diving into the hiring process, it's essential to understand why outsourcing can be a beneficial strategy for your HealthTech company. Outsourcing to countries like Vietnam can offer several advantages, including cost savings, access to a larger talent pool, and the ability to focus on core business functions.

Firstly, outsourcing can significantly reduce costs. The cost of living in Vietnam is lower than in Canada, which means you can hire skilled software engineers at a fraction of the cost. This can free up resources that can be reinvested into other areas of your business.

Secondly, outsourcing opens up a larger talent pool. Vietnam has a thriving tech industry, with many highly skilled software engineers who are well-versed in the latest technologies and programming languages. This can be particularly beneficial for HealthTech companies, as it allows them to tap into expertise that may not be readily available domestically.

Identifying the Right Skills and Experience

When hiring an outsourced software engineer for your HealthTech company, it's crucial to identify the specific skills and experience you need. This will depend on your company's unique needs and the specific project or tasks the engineer will be working on.

For instance, if you're developing a mobile app for patients to track their health data, you might need a software engineer with experience in mobile app development, user interface design, and data security. On the other hand, if you're building a complex system for managing patient records, you might need an engineer with expertise in database design, backend development, and compliance with health data regulations.

It's also important to consider the engineer's experience in the HealthTech industry. They should have a good understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of this sector, such as data privacy regulations and the need for user-friendly design.

Finding Potential Candidates

Once you've identified the skills and experience you need, the next step is to find potential candidates. There are several ways to do this, including online job boards, recruitment agencies, and outsourcing platforms.

Online job boards are a popular option, with many dedicated to the tech industry. These can be a great way to reach a large number of candidates and advertise your job opening to a wide audience. Some popular job boards for software engineers in Vietnam include ITviec, VietnamWorks, and JobStreet.

Recruitment agencies can also be a valuable resource. They have extensive networks of candidates and can help you find qualified software engineers who match your specific requirements. Some agencies even specialise in the tech industry or outsourcing, making them an excellent choice for HealthTech companies looking to hire in Vietnam.

Finally, outsourcing platforms can be a convenient and efficient way to find and hire software engineers. These platforms allow you to post your job opening, review applications, and hire candidates all in one place. Some popular outsourcing platforms include Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal.

Conducting Interviews and Assessments

After finding potential candidates, the next step is to conduct interviews and assessments. This is a crucial part of the hiring process, as it allows you to evaluate the candidate's skills, experience, and fit for your company.

Interviews can be conducted remotely, using video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype. During the interview, you should ask questions that assess the candidate's technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of the HealthTech industry. You can also ask about their previous projects and how they handled challenges or setbacks.

In addition to interviews, you may also want to conduct technical assessments. These can take the form of coding tests, problem-solving exercises, or project simulations. These assessments can give you a better idea of the candidate's abilities and how they would perform in the role.

Finalising the Hiring Process

Once you've found a suitable candidate, the final step is to finalise the hiring process. This includes negotiating the contract, setting up payment arrangements, and onboarding the new hire.

The contract should clearly outline the terms of the engagement, including the scope of work, payment terms, and any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements. It's advisable to consult with a legal expert to ensure the contract complies with the laws of both Canada and Vietnam.

Setting up payment arrangements can be done through various methods, including bank transfers, online payment platforms, or through the outsourcing platform if you used one. It's important to ensure the payment method is secure and convenient for both parties.

Finally, onboarding is a crucial part of integrating the new hire into your team. Even though they'll be working remotely, they should still be made to feel part of the team. This can be done through virtual team meetings, regular communication, and providing them with the necessary resources and support to perform their role effectively.


Hiring an outsourced software engineer in Vietnam for a HealthTech company in Canada can be a strategic move. It can provide access to a larger talent pool, reduce costs, and allow your company to focus on its core business functions. By understanding the benefits, identifying the right skills, finding potential candidates, conducting thorough interviews and assessments, and finalising the hiring process effectively, you can ensure a successful outsourcing experience.